About Louise
I am passionate about women’s health & wellbeing and the specific issues that women experience. At Women’s Healing Space, I incorporate intuitive bodywork, massage techniques, energy and sound healing, visualisations and breathwork, to provide a healing massage for women at every stage of life. I also address a range of women’s health issues around healing the womb, reproductive system and fertility. I offer a unique and nurturing session which is available for women who are seeking all the benefits of intuitive bodywork, including relaxation and a sense of well-being. The sessions are deeply healing and are for all women, whether on a fertility journey or not.
The sessions are tailored to the individual woman and will depend on what they need on that day. I work from a foundation of formal study, self-development and personal experience, as well as a deep spiritual connection to my healing lineage.
My special interest is around womb healing for fertility and all types of pregnancy loss, including miscarriage, stillbirth and termination. I also enjoy working with women who are peri or post menopausal and women who have had a hysterectomy, as even without the physical womb, there is always the energetic imprint of the missing womb. It is also the area of our creativity, and healing can help to ignite or develop our creative flow.
I have had my own personal experience of pregnancy loss and I feel that this helps me to bring compassion and a non-judgemental, loving heart to my work. Women’s Healing Space sessions can also be helpful for all reproductive issues, including PCOS, fibroids and menstrual pain etc. It is also a wonderful opportunity for all women to connect with their feminine nature and to honour their bodies, taking time out of their busy lives to relax and let go and to have some much needed nurturing time just for themselves.
I have been fortunate to study with many great teachers, including Clare Blake; Jewels Wingfield; Alexandra Pope; Patricia Lynn Miller, learning about, amongst many other things, the power of the menstrual cycle and its connection with the cycle of nature. I have a deep passion for supporting women on their journey from menarche to menopause and beyond. I really believe that by developing a deeper connection to our cycle and the natural rhythm of our body, there is the chance for all women to tap into our inner wisdom and feel a sense of well-being and fulfilment. It is then that we can fully flourish and feel empowered within our own body and mind.
I have also worked personally with Ancestral and family patterns and trauma, exploring how we can be affected in the present by events in our own lineage from the past and by our environment. I am committed to honouring my own Ancestors and working with them to heal my own lineage of Irish and Jamaican heritage. This has led me to explore my family line and to uncover traits, traumas and abilities that have been passed down my lineage. It has led me to do more research around Epigenetics and Ancestral Healing.
I love learning about the mind, body and spirit connection and how our environment and what we think and feel can affect us on a very deep, cellular level.
I also offer Pregnancy Massage, Gentle Release Therapy and Energy Healing. I am a certified Moon Mother and can offer womb blessings to all women, with or without a womb. The space is created for women to just ‘be’ – to let go of daily pressures and re-connect with their body, their wombs and most importantly with themselves. It is a space where women connect to their own healing within.

“What Louise offers far transcends the usual massage experience. What she offers is a unique space where I – as a Woman – can let go, and feel truly held, nurtured and healed.”
K. London